“How can I help?” you ask.

There are a number of ways you can help.

1014111_632268680168319_477529293_nSponsor a Food Drive: Have your church, school, civic organization, club, or company sponsor a Food Drive. We will provide you with a guest speaker, if you wish, or a helpful “script.” We will also provide you a list of suggested non-perishable food items most needed and the Foundation will collect these goods at the conclusion of your drive and deliver them to the pantry most in need at the time. Any monetary donations collected will be used to purchase perishable foods, such as fresh produce, milk and eggs, meat and poultry.


Make a Monetary Gift: It is simple, quick and secure – you can make a monetary contribution at any time, with your major credit card, here on our site. Your donation will be acknowledged. Or you may mail us a contribution at this address.


Pray: Pray for the success of the Foundation, for the volunteers who generously give their time and dedication, and for all of the individuals and families that we collectively serve.